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Periodic inspection


Periodic inspection performed by Redexis Gas aims to ensure efficient and safe use of your gas reception facility. Such inspection, conducted every 5 years (calendar years) in accordance with the provisions of the current regulations (RD 919/2006), which basically consists of checking, through its visible parts the conservation status of your installation, hygienic combustion of the gas appliances and proper evacuation of the combustion products.

A visit to your home is programmed beforehand. Gas Redexis will notify you in writing by letter and warning notices in your community of neighbours including the date in which the scheduled inspection takes place.

The statutory periodic inspection must be performed by the Distribution Company of its respective users, or as stated in the legislation, the responsibility for maintaining and keeping gas reception facilities corresponding to the holder thereof or, alternatively, the user thereof.

Features of the regulatory periodic inspection

The current law, through Royal Decree RD 984/2015, of October 30, states that this check should be performed every 5 years by the Distribution Company or a gas installation company.

A periodic inspection of gas reception facilities consists of:

  • Checking the leakproofness of the reception facility.
  • Checking the good condition hereof.
  • Checking combustion sanitary appliances (only if installed capacity is less than 70 kW).
  • Allowing proper evacuation of the combustion products (only if installed capacity is less than 70 kW).

These checks are performed in accordance with the procedures described in UNE 60670-12, UNE 60670-13 and UNE 60620-6.

To consult any aspect related to the periodic inspection process please contact us at the following numbers:

Fees associated to the Periodic Inspection Service

Prices for regular inspection vary depending on which region you are in. The responsibility for periodic regulatory inspection is transferred to the Autonomous Communities, this why the scope (always respecting the minimums established in the Technical Regulations for Use and Distribution of Gas) with prices varying from one area to another.

The cost of inspection should not be paid at the time of the visit, such payment shall be made together with your gas bill issued by your gas marketing company.

Here are the current rates for periodic inspection services in the distribution areas where Redexis Gas Group operates.

All you need to know about the periodic inspection of your gas installation

Below you´ll find the “User’s Guide to gas” so you can take advantage of your installation in the safest possible way.