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Unloading service in LNG plants


Distribution Companies of the Redexis Business Group supply natural gas through distribution networks connected to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) satellite plants in more than 20 municipalities. To perform this service, Redexis manages LNG logistics holistically: Transport from the regasification plant, unloading in the satellite plant and distribution.

Contracts to provide services to individuals with a right to access gas installations

Contracts of LNG delivery to satellite plants allow to link as part of a contractual relationship, the service that the Distribution Companies of the Group provide to the marketing companies in order to deliver to plants connected to our networks.

Article 6 of Royal Decree 949/2001, dated August 3rd, states that subjects with right of access may subscribe contracts for the use of other services and installations that include services or other conditions than those regulated and that these will be freely agreed upon between the parties.

It is determined in this article that the services will be offered to all interested subjects interested under transparent, objective and non-discriminatory conditions in which the distributors will have to publish on their website prices and conditions offered by each, regularly updated.

Provision contract of the LNG distribution services to the satellite plants:

Higher Heating Value and Correction Factors in towns supplied by LNG plants

In compliance with the standard technical management system norm NGTS-05, the Superior Calorific information (PCS) is attached and the applicable correction factors to costumers of each municipality powered by satellite plant.