Imagen fondo módulo Cabecera


Third party actions


Distribution networks

In order to know if a project, work or other third party actions can affect to our distribution networks, Redexis has provided a permanent consultation service called INKOLAN. The link is where the main operators of networks of gas, electricity, telephony, etc. publish information about the location of their networks. In case of affection, the appropriate information is given to contact Redexis personnel in the area.

Transmission Networks

If a third party action affects our transport networks must be authorized, prior a required report to the operator, by the Competent Territorial Authority that approved its construction, in accordance with RD 1434/2002 art. 69.4. Usually, it concerns to the Consejería or Subdelegation of the Government in the Autonomous Community or in the Province respectively where the pipeline is, to whom such authorization should be requested.